Source code for flatsurf.geometry.surface_legacy

Legacy data structures for surfaces built from polygons.

All surfaces in sage-flatsurf are built from polygons whose sides are
identified by similarities. This module provides deprecated data structures to
describe such surfaces. Currently, there are two fundamental such data
structures, namely :class:`Surface_list` and `Surface_dict`. The former labels
the polygons that make up a surface by non-negative integers and the latter can
use arbitrary labels.

In principle there is nothing wrong with this approach. However, the
implementation is plagued by feature creep so we tried to clean things up in
2023 and reimplemented these in :mod:`flatsurf.geometry.surface`.

All the surfaces here inherit from :class:`Surface` which describes the
contract that surfaces used to satisfy. As an absolute minimum, they implement
:meth:`Surface.polygon` which maps polygon labels to actual polygons, and
:meth:`Surface.opposite_edge` which describes the gluing of polygons.


We built a torus by gluing the opposite sides of a square::

    sage: from flatsurf import Polygon
    sage: from flatsurf.geometry.surface import Surface_list

    sage: S = Surface_list(QQ)
    UserWarning: Surface_list has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; use MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface instead
    sage: S.add_polygon(Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)]))
    sage: S.set_edge_pairing(0, 0, 0, 2)
    sage: S.set_edge_pairing(0, 1, 0, 3)

    sage: S.polygon(0)
    Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)])
    sage: S.opposite_edge(0, 0)
    (0, 2)

.. jupyter-execute::

    # Allow jupyter-execute blocks in this module to contain doctests
    import jupyter_doctest_tweaks

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#                      2019-2020 Vincent Delecroix
#                      2020-2023 Julian Rüth
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from sage.misc.cachefunc import cached_method

from flatsurf.geometry.surface import OrientedSimilaritySurface

[docs]class Surface(OrientedSimilaritySurface): r""" Abstract base class of all surfaces that are built from a set of polygons with edges identified. The identifications are compositions of homothety, rotations and translations, i.e., similarities that ensure that the surface is oriented. Concrete implementations of a surface must implement at least :meth:`polygon` and :meth:`opposite_edge`. To be able to modify a surface, subclasses should also implement ``_change_polygon``, ``_set_edge_pairing``, ``_add_polygon``, ``_remove_polygon``. For concrete implementations of a Surface, see, e.g., :class:`Surface_list` and :class:`Surface_dict`. INPUT: - ``base_ring`` -- the ring containing the coordinates of the vertices of the polygons - ``base_label`` -- the label of a chosen special polygon in the surface, see :meth:`.base_label` - ``finite`` -- whether this is a finite surface, see :meth:`is_finite_type` - ``mutable`` -- whether this is a mutable surface; can be changed later with :meth:`.set_immutable` EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.surface import Surface, Surface_list, Surface_dict sage: S = Surface_list(QQ) sage: isinstance(S, Surface) True sage: S = Surface_dict(QQ) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: Surface_dict has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; use MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface instead sage: isinstance(S, Surface) True TESTS: Users are being warned if they try to define a surface over an inexact ring:: sage: S = Surface_list(RR) ... UserWarning: surface defined over an inexact ring; many operations in sage-flatsurf are not going to work correctly over this ring sage: isinstance(S, Surface) True """ def __init__( self, base_ring, base_label, finite, mutable, category=None, deprecation_warning=True, ): if deprecation_warning: import warnings warnings.warn( "base class Surface has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; use OrientedSimilaritySurface instead" ) if finite not in [False, True]: raise ValueError("finite must be either True or False") from sage.all import Rings if base_ring not in Rings(): raise ValueError("base_ring must be a ring") if not base_ring.is_exact(): from warnings import warn warn( "surface defined over an inexact ring; many operations in sage-flatsurf are not going to work correctly over this ring" ) if mutable not in [False, True]: raise ValueError("mutable must be either True or False") self._base_label = base_label self._finite = finite self._mutable = mutable self._cache = {} from flatsurf.geometry.categories import SimilaritySurfaces if category is None: category = SimilaritySurfaces() # Previously, all surfaces were assumed to be connected and without # boundary (even though it was possible to construct non-connected # surfaces but only the base_label component was really functional # then.) category &= SimilaritySurfaces().Oriented().WithoutBoundary().Connected() if finite: category = category.FiniteType() OrientedSimilaritySurface.__init__(self, base=base_ring, category=category) if not mutable: self._refine_category_(self.refined_category()) def _test_refined_category(self, **options): if self.is_mutable(): return super()._test_refined_category(**options) def _repr_(self): r""" Return a printable representation of this surface. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.surface import Surface, Surface_list, Surface_dict sage: S = Surface_list(QQ) sage: S Surface built from 0 polygons """ if not self.is_finite_type(): return "Surface built from infinitely many polygons" if self.num_polygons() == 1: return "Surface built from 1 polygon" return "Surface built from {} polygons".format(self.num_polygons())
[docs] def labels(self): return LabelsView(self)
[docs] def is_triangulated(self, limit=None): r""" EXAMPLES:: sage: import flatsurf sage: G = SymmetricGroup(4) sage: S = flatsurf.translation_surfaces.origami(G('(1,2,3,4)'), G('(1,4,2,3)')) sage: S.is_triangulated() False sage: S.triangulate().is_triangulated() True """ it = self.label_iterator() if not self.is_finite_type(): if limit is None: raise ValueError( "for infinite polygon, 'limit' must be set to a positive integer" ) else: from itertools import islice it = islice(it, limit) for p in it: if len(self.polygon(p).vertices()) != 3: return False return True
[docs] def polygon(self, label): r""" Return the polygon with the provided label. This method must be overridden in subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def opposite_edge(self, label, e=None): r""" Given the label ``label`` of a polygon and an edge ``e`` in that polygon returns the pair (``ll``, ``ee``) to which this edge is glued. This method must be overridden in subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError
def _change_polygon(self, label, new_polygon, gluing_list=None): r""" Internal method used by change_polygon(). Should not be called directly. Mutable surfaces should implement this method. """ raise NotImplementedError def _set_edge_pairing(self, label1, edge1, label2, edge2): r""" Internal method used by change_edge_gluing(). Should not be called directly. Mutable surfaces should implement this method. """ raise NotImplementedError def _add_polygon(self, new_polygon, gluing_list=None, label=None): r""" Internal method used by add_polygon(). Should not be called directly. Mutable surfaces should implement this method. """ raise NotImplementedError def _remove_polygon(self, label): r""" Internal method used by remove_polygon(). Should not be called directly. Mutable surfaces should implement this method. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def num_polygons(self): r""" Return the number of polygons making up the surface, or sage.rings.infinity.Infinity if the surface is infinite. This is a generic method. On a finite surface it will be linear time in the edges the first time it is run, then constant time (assuming no mutation occurs). Subclasses should consider overriding this method for increased performance. """ if self.is_finite_type(): lw = self.walker() lw.find_all_labels() return len(lw) else: from sage.rings.infinity import Infinity return Infinity
[docs] def label_iterator(self, polygons=False): r""" Iterator over all polygon labels. Subclasses should consider overriding this method for increased performance. """ if polygons: return zip(self.labels(), self.polygons()) return iter(self.walker())
[docs] def roots(self): if self._base_label is None: return () return (self._base_label,)
[docs] def is_finite_type(self): r""" Return whether or not the surface is finite. """ return self._finite
[docs] def is_mutable(self): r""" Return if this surface is mutable. """ return self._mutable
[docs] def set_immutable(self): r""" Mark this surface as immutable. """ self._mutable = False self._refine_category_(self.refined_category())
[docs] def walker(self): r""" Return a LabelWalker which walks over the surface in a canonical way. """ try: return self._cache["lw"] except KeyError: lw = LabelWalker(self, deprecation_warning=False) self._cache["lw"] = lw return lw
def __mutate(self): r""" Called before a mutation occurs. Do not call directly. """ if not self.is_mutable(): raise Exception("surface must be mutable") # Remove the cache which will likely be invalidated. self._cache = {}
[docs] def change_polygon(self, label, new_polygon, gluing_list=None): r""" Assuming label is currently in the list of labels, change the poygon assigned to the provided label to new_polygon, and glue the edges according to gluing_list (which must be a list of pairs of length equal to number of edges of the polygon). """ self.__mutate() if not (gluing_list is None or len(new_polygon.vertices()) == len(gluing_list)): raise ValueError self._change_polygon(label, new_polygon, gluing_list)
[docs] def set_edge_pairing(self, label1, edge1, label2, edge2): r""" Update the gluing so that (``label1``, ``edge1``) is glued to (``label2``, ``edge2``). """ self.__mutate() self._set_edge_pairing(label1, edge1, label2, edge2)
change_edge_gluing = set_edge_pairing
[docs] def change_polygon_gluings(self, label, glue_list): r""" Updates the list of glued polygons according to the provided list, which is a list of pairs (pp,ee) whose position in the list describes the edge of the polygon with the provided label. This method updates both the edges of the polygon with label "label" and updates the edges listed in the glue_list. """ self.__mutate() p = self.polygon(label) if len(p.vertices()) != len(glue_list): raise ValueError( "len(glue_list)=" + str(len(glue_list)) + " and number of sides of polygon=" + str(len(p.vertices())) + " should be the same." ) for e, (pp, ee) in enumerate(glue_list): self._set_edge_pairing(label, e, pp, ee)
[docs] def add_polygons(self, polygons): return [self.add_polygon(p) for p in polygons]
[docs] def add_polygon(self, new_polygon, gluing_list=None, label=None): r""" Adds a the provided polygon to the surface. Utilizes gluing_list for the gluing data for edges (which must be a list of pairs representing edges of length equal to number of edges of the polygon). If the parameter label is provided, the Surface attempts to use this as the label for the new_polygon. However, this may fail depending on the implementation. Returns the label assigned to the new_polygon (which may differ from the label provided). """ self.__mutate() if not (gluing_list is None or len(new_polygon.vertices()) == len(gluing_list)): raise ValueError label = self._add_polygon(new_polygon, gluing_list, label) if self._base_label is None: self.change_base_label(label) return label
[docs] def remove_polygon(self, label): r""" Remove the polygon with the provided label. Causes a ValueError if the base_label is removed. """ if label == self._base_label: raise ValueError("Can not remove the base_label.") self.__mutate() return self._remove_polygon(label)
[docs] def change_base_label(self, new_base_label): r""" Change the base_label to the provided label. """ self.__mutate() self._base_label = new_base_label
@cached_method def __hash__(self): r""" Hash compatible with equals. """ if self.is_mutable(): raise TypeError("mutable surface is not hashable") if not self.is_finite_type(): raise TypeError("cannot hash this infinite surface") return hash( ( self.base_ring(), self.root(), tuple(zip(self.labels(), self.polygons())), tuple(self.gluings()), ) ) def __eq__(self, other): r""" Return whether this surface is indistinguishable from ``other``. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf.geometry.surface import Surface_dict sage: from flatsurf.geometry.polygon import Polygon, ConvexPolygons sage: S = Surface_dict(QQ) sage: P = ConvexPolygons(QQ) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: ConvexPolygons() has been deprecated and will be removed from a future version of sage-flatsurf; use Polygon() to create polygons. If you really need the category of convex polygons over a ring use EuclideanPolygons(ring).Simple().Convex() instead. sage: S.add_polygon(P([(1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, -1)]), label=0) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: ConvexPolygons(…)(…) has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; use Polygon() instead 0 sage: S == S True sage: T = Surface_dict(QQ) sage: S == T False TESTS:: sage: S == 42 False """ if self is other: return True if not isinstance(other, Surface): return False if self.is_mutable() != other.is_mutable(): return False if not self._eq_oriented_similarity_surfaces(other): return False if self.num_polygons() == 0: # Only compare base labels when the surfaces are not empty. return True if self.root() != other.root(): return False return True def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def _eq_oriented_similarity_surfaces(self, other): # Whether this surface equals other in terms of oriented similarity surfaces if self is other: return True if not isinstance(other, OrientedSimilaritySurface): return False if self.base_ring() != other.base_ring(): return False if self.category() != other.category(): return False if self.is_finite_type() != other.is_finite_type(): return False if self.is_finite_type(): if len(self.polygons()) == 0: return len(other.polygons()) == 0 if len(other.polygons()) == 0: return False if self.roots() != other.roots(): return False for label in self.roots(): if self.polygon(label) != other.polygon(label): return False if not self.is_finite_type(): raise NotImplementedError("cannot compare these infinite surfaces yet") if len(self.polygons()) != len(other.polygons()): return False for label, polygon in zip(self.labels(), self.polygons()): try: polygon2 = other.polygon(label) except ValueError: return False if polygon != polygon2: return False for edge in range(len(polygon.vertices())): if self.opposite_edge(label, edge) != other.opposite_edge(label, edge): return False return True def _test_base_ring(self, **options): # Test that the base_label is associated to a polygon tester = self._tester(**options) from sage.all import Rings tester.assertTrue(self.base_ring() in Rings()) def _test_base_label(self, **options): # Test that the base_label is associated to a polygon tester = self._tester(**options) tester.assertTrue( self.polygon(self.root()).is_convex(), "polygon(base_label) does not return a ConvexPolygon. " + "Here base_label=" + str(self.root()), ) def _test_override(self, **options): # Test that the required methods have been overridden and that some other methods have not been overridden. # Of course, we don't care if the methods are overridden or not we just want to warn the programmer. if "tester" in options: tester = options["tester"] else: tester = self._tester(**options) # Check for override: tester.assertNotEqual( self.polygon.__func__, Surface.polygon, "Method polygon of Surface must be overridden. The Surface is of type " + str(type(self)) + ".", ) tester.assertNotEqual( self.opposite_edge.__func__, Surface.opposite_edge, "Method opposite_edge of Surface must be overridden. The Surface is of type " + str(type(self)) + ".", ) if self.is_mutable(): # Check for override: tester.assertNotEqual( self._change_polygon.__func__, Surface._change_polygon, "Method _change_polygon of Surface must be overridden in a mutable surface. " + "The Surface is of type " + str(type(self)) + ".", ) tester.assertNotEqual( self._set_edge_pairing.__func__, Surface._set_edge_pairing, "Method _set_edge_pairing of Surface must be overridden in a mutable surface. " + "The Surface is of type " + str(type(self)) + ".", ) tester.assertNotEqual( self._add_polygon.__func__, Surface._add_polygon, "Method _add_polygon of Surface must be overridden in a mutable surface. " + "The Surface is of type " + str(type(self)) + ".", ) tester.assertNotEqual( self._remove_polygon.__func__, Surface._remove_polygon, "Method _remove_polygon of Surface must be overridden in a mutable surface. " + "The Surface is of type " + str(type(self)) + ".", ) def _test_polygons(self, **options): # Test that the base_label is associated to a polygon if "tester" in options: tester = options["tester"] else: tester = self._tester(**options) if self.is_finite_type(): it = self.label_iterator() else: from itertools import islice it = islice(self.label_iterator(), 30) for label in it: tester.assertTrue( self.polygon(label).is_convex(), "polygon(label) does not return a ConvexPolygon when label=" + str(label), )
[docs] def point(self, label, position, limit=None, ring=None): r""" Return the :class:`flatsurf.geometry.surface_objects.SurfacePoint` of this surface at ``position`` in the polygon ``label``. INPUT: - ``label`` -- a label of a polygon in this surface, see :meth:`label_iterator` - ``position`` -- a vector with coordinates in this surface's base ring EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import Polygon sage: from flatsurf.geometry.surface import Surface_list sage: S = Surface_list(QQ) sage: S.add_polygon(Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)])) 0 sage: S.set_edge_pairing(0, 0, 0, 2) sage: S.set_edge_pairing(0, 1, 0, 3) sage: S.point(0, (0, 0)) Vertex 0 of polygon 0 """ return self(label, position, limit=limit, ring=ring)
def _an_element_(self): r""" Return a point of this surface. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import Polygon sage: from flatsurf.geometry.surface import Surface_list sage: S = Surface_list(QQ) sage: S.add_polygon(Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (1, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)])) 0 sage: S.set_edge_pairing(0, 0, 0, 2) sage: S.set_edge_pairing(0, 1, 0, 3) sage: S.an_element() Point (1/2, 1/2) of polygon 0 """ label = next(self.label_iterator()) polygon = self.polygon(label) # We use a point that can be constructed without problems on an # infinite surface. if polygon.is_convex(): coordinates = polygon.centroid() else: # Sometimes, this is not implemented because it requires the edge # transformation to be known, so we prefer the centroid. coordinates = polygon.edge(0) / 2 return self.point(label, coordinates)
[docs] def set_default_graphical_surface(self, graphical_surface): r""" Replace the default graphical surface with the provided GraphicalSurface. """ from flatsurf.graphical.surface import GraphicalSurface if not isinstance(graphical_surface, GraphicalSurface): raise ValueError("graphical_surface must be a GraphicalSurface") if self != graphical_surface.get_surface(): raise ValueError( "The provided graphical_surface renders a different surface!" ) self._gs = graphical_surface
[docs] def graphical_surface(self, *args, **kwds): r""" Return a GraphicalSurface representing this surface. By default this returns a cached version of the GraphicalSurface. If ``cached=False`` is provided as a keyword option then a new GraphicalSurface is returned. All other parameters are passed on to :class:`~flatsurf.graphical.surface.GraphicalSurface` or its :meth:`~flatsurf.graphical.surface.GraphicalSurface.process_options`. Note that this mutates the cached graphical surface for future calls. EXAMPLES: Test the difference between the cached graphical_surface and the uncached version: .. jupyter-execute:: sage: from flatsurf import translation_surfaces sage: s = translation_surfaces.octagon_and_squares() sage: s.plot() ...Graphics object consisting of 32 graphics primitives .. jupyter-execute:: sage: s.graphical_surface(adjacencies=[]).plot() ...Graphics object consisting of 18 graphics primitives """ from flatsurf.graphical.surface import GraphicalSurface if "cached" in kwds: if not kwds["cached"]: # cached=False: return a new surface. kwds.pop("cached", None) return GraphicalSurface(self, *args, **kwds) kwds.pop("cached", None) if hasattr(self, "_gs"): self._gs.process_options(*args, **kwds) else: self._gs = GraphicalSurface(self, *args, **kwds) return self._gs
[docs] def plot(self, *args, **kwds): r""" Return a plot of the surface. The parameters are passed on to :meth:`graphical_surface` and :meth:`flatsurf.graphical.surface.GraphicalSurface.plot`. Consult their documentation for details. EXAMPLES: .. jupyter-execute:: sage: import flatsurf sage: S = flatsurf.translation_surfaces.veech_double_n_gon(5) sage: S.plot() ...Graphics object consisting of 21 graphics primitives Keywords are passed on to the underlying plotting routines, see :meth:`flatsurf.graphical.surface.GraphicalSurface.plot` for details: .. jupyter-execute:: sage: S.plot(fill=None) ...Graphics object consisting of 21 graphics primitives Note that some keywords mutate the underlying cached graphical surface, see :meth:`graphical_surface`: .. jupyter-execute:: sage: S.plot(edge_labels='gluings and number') ...Graphics object consisting of 23 graphics primitives """ if len(args) > 1: raise ValueError("plot() can take at most one non-keyword argument") graphical_surface_keywords = { key: kwds.pop(key) for key in [ "cached", "adjacencies", "polygon_labels", "edge_labels", "default_position_function", ] if key in kwds } if len(args) == 1: from flatsurf.graphical.surface import GraphicalSurface if not isinstance(args[0], GraphicalSurface): raise TypeError("non-keyword argument must be a GraphicalSurface") import warnings warnings.warn( "Passing a GraphicalSurface to plot() is deprecated because it mutates that GraphicalSurface. This functionality will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf. " "Call process_options() and plot() on the GraphicalSurface explicitly instead." ) gs = args[0] gs.process_options(**graphical_surface_keywords) else: # It's very surprising that plot mutates the underlying cached # graphical surface. We should change that and make the graphical # surface not cached. See # gs = self.graphical_surface(**graphical_surface_keywords) return gs.plot(**kwds)
[docs]class Surface_list(Surface): r""" A fast mutable :class:`Surface` using a list to store polygons and gluings. ALGORITHM: Internally, we maintain a list ``_p`` for storing polygons together with gluing data. Each ``_p[label]`` is typically a pair ``(polygon, gluing_list)`` where ``gluing_list`` is a list of pairs ``(other_label, other_edge)`` such that :meth:`opposite_edge(label, edge) <Surface.opposite_edge>` returns ``_p[label][1][edge]``. INPUT: - ``base_ring`` -- ring or ``None`` (default: ``None``); the ring containing the coordinates of the vertices of the polygons. If ``None``, the base ring will be the one of ``surface``. - ``surface`` -- a surface or ``None`` (default: ``None``); a surface to be copied or referenced (see ``copy``). If ``None``, the surface is initially empty. - ``copy`` -- boolean or ``None`` (default: ``None``); whether the data underlying ``surface`` is copied into this surface or just a reference to that surface is kept. If ``None``, a sensible default is chosen, namely ``surface.is_mutable()``. - ``mutable`` -- boolean or ``None`` (default: ``None``); whether this surface is mutable. When ``None``, the surface will be mutable iff ``surface`` is ``None``. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import polygons, Surface_list, Polygon, similarity_surfaces sage: p=polygons.regular_ngon(5) sage: s=Surface_list(base_ring=p.base_ring()) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: Surface_list has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; use MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface instead sage: s.add_polygon(p) # gets label 0 0 sage: s.add_polygon( (-matrix.identity(2))*p ) # gets label 1 1 sage: s.change_polygon_gluings(0,[(1,e) for e in range(5)]) sage: # base label defaults to zero. sage: s.set_immutable() sage: TestSuite(s).run() We surgically add a square into an infinite billiard surface:: sage: p = Polygon(vertices=[(0,0),(4,0),(0,3)]) sage: s = similarity_surfaces.billiard(p) sage: ts=s.minimal_cover(cover_type="translation").copy(relabel=True, mutable=True) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: copy() has been deprecated and will be removed from a future version of sage-flatsurf; for surfaces of finite type use MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface.from_surface() instead. Use relabel({old: new for (new, old) in enumerate(surface.labels())}) for integer labels. However, there is no immediate replacement for lazy copying of infinite surfaces. Have a look at the implementation of flatsurf.geometry.delaunay.LazyMutableSurface and adapt it to your needs. sage: # Explore the surface a bit sage: ts.polygon(0) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (4, 0), (0, 3)]) sage: ts.opposite_edge(0,0) (1, 2) sage: ts.polygon(1) Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (0, -3), (4, 0)]) sage: s = ts sage: l=s.add_polygon(polygons.square(side=4)) sage: s.change_edge_gluing(0,0,l,2) sage: s.change_edge_gluing(1,2,l,0) sage: s.change_edge_gluing(l,1,l,3) sage: print("Glued in label is "+str(l)) Glued in label is 2 sage: count = 0 sage: for x in ts.gluings(): ....: print(x) ....: count=count+1 ....: if count>15: ....: break ((0, 0), (2, 2)) ((0, 1), (3, 1)) ((0, 2), (4, 0)) ((2, 0), (1, 2)) ((2, 1), (2, 3)) ((2, 2), (0, 0)) ((2, 3), (2, 1)) ((3, 0), (5, 2)) ((3, 1), (0, 1)) ((3, 2), (6, 0)) ((4, 0), (0, 2)) ((4, 1), (7, 1)) ((4, 2), (8, 0)) ((1, 0), (8, 2)) ((1, 1), (9, 1)) ((1, 2), (2, 0)) sage: count = 0 sage: for l,p in ts.label_iterator(polygons=True): ....: print(str(l)+" -> "+str(p)) ....: count=count+1 ....: if count>5: ....: break 0 -> Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (4, 0), (0, 3)]) 2 -> Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (4, 0), (4, 4), (0, 4)]) 3 -> Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (-72/25, -21/25), (28/25, -96/25)]) 4 -> Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (0, 3), (-4, 0)]) 1 -> Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (0, -3), (4, 0)]) 5 -> Polygon(vertices=[(0, 0), (-28/25, 96/25), (-72/25, -21/25)]) TESTS: Verify that the replacement for this class implements all the features that used to be around:: sage: from flatsurf import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface, Surface_list sage: legacy_methods = set(dir(Surface_list(QQ))) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: Surface_list has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; use MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface instead sage: non_legacy_methods = set(dir(MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(QQ))) sage: [method for method in legacy_methods if method not in non_legacy_methods and not method.startswith("_")] [] """ def __init__( self, base_ring=None, surface=None, copy=None, mutable=None, category=None, deprecation_warning=True, ): if deprecation_warning: import warnings warnings.warn( "Surface_list has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; use MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface instead" ) self._p = [] # list of pairs (polygon, gluings) self._reference_surface = None self._removed_labels = [] self._num_polygons = 0 # Validate input parameters and fill in defaults ( base_ring, surface, copy, mutable, finite, ) = Surface_list._validate_init_parameters( base_ring=base_ring, surface=surface, copy=copy, mutable=mutable, finite=None, ) Surface.__init__( self, base_ring=base_ring, base_label=0, finite=finite, mutable=True, category=category, deprecation_warning=False, ) # Initialize surface from reference surface if surface is not None: if copy is True: reference_label_to_label = { label: self.add_polygon(polygon) for label, polygon in zip(surface.labels(), surface.polygons()) } for ( (label, edge), (glued_label, glued_edge), ) in surface.gluings(): self.set_edge_pairing( reference_label_to_label[label], edge, reference_label_to_label[glued_label], glued_edge, ) self.change_base_label(reference_label_to_label[surface.root()]) else: self._reference_surface = surface self._ref_to_int = {} self._int_to_ref = [] if not surface.is_finite_type(): from sage.all import infinity self._num_polygons = infinity else: self._num_polygons = len(surface.polygons()) # Cache the base polygon self.change_base_label(self.__get_label(surface.root())) assert self.root() == 0 if not mutable: self.set_immutable() @classmethod def _validate_init_parameters(cls, base_ring, surface, copy, mutable, finite): r""" Helper method for ``__init__`` that validates the parameters and returns them in the same order with defaults filled in. """ if surface is None and base_ring is None: raise ValueError("Either surface or base_ring must be provided.") if surface is None: if copy is not None: raise ValueError("Cannot copy when surface was provided.") if mutable is None: mutable = True finite = True else: from flatsurf.geometry.surface import OrientedSimilaritySurface if not isinstance(surface, OrientedSimilaritySurface): raise TypeError("surface must be an OrientedSimilaritySurface") if not surface.is_finite_type() and surface.is_mutable(): raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot create surface from infinite mutable surface yet." ) if base_ring is None: base_ring = surface.base_ring() if base_ring != surface.base_ring(): raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot provide both a surface and a base_ring yet." ) if mutable is None: mutable = True if copy is None: copy = surface.is_mutable() if copy and not surface.is_finite_type(): raise ValueError("Cannot copy infinite surface.") if surface.is_mutable() and not copy: raise ValueError("Cannot reference mutable surface.") finite = surface.is_finite_type() return base_ring, surface, copy, mutable, finite def __get_label(self, ref_label): r""" Returns a corresponding label. Creates a new label if necessary. """ try: return self._ref_to_int[ref_label] except KeyError: polygon = self._reference_surface.polygon(ref_label) data = [polygon, [None for i in range(len(polygon.vertices()))]] if len(self._removed_labels) > 0: i = self._removed_labels.pop() self._p[i] = data self._ref_to_int[ref_label] = i self._int_to_ref[i] = ref_label else: i = len(self._p) if i != len(self._int_to_ref): raise RuntimeError( "length of self._int_to_ref is " + str(len(self._int_to_ref)) + " should be the same as i=" + str(i) ) self._p.append(data) self._ref_to_int[ref_label] = i self._int_to_ref.append(ref_label) return i
[docs] def is_compact(self): if self._reference_surface is not None: # Since we are only modifying a finite number of polygons, this # surface is compact iff its reference surface is. return self._reference_surface.is_compact() return True
[docs] def change_base_label(self, new_base_label): r""" Change the base_label to the provided label. """ super().change_base_label(int(new_base_label))
[docs] def polygon(self, lab): r""" Return the polygon with label ``lab``. """ try: data = self._p[lab] except IndexError: if self._reference_surface is None: raise ValueError(f"No polygon with label {lab}.") for label in self.label_iterator(): if label >= lab: break if lab >= len(self._p): raise ValueError(f"no polygon with label {lab}") data = self._p[lab] if data is None: raise ValueError("Provided label was removed.") return data[0]
[docs] def opposite_edge(self, p, e=None): r""" Given the label ``p`` of a polygon and an edge ``e`` in that polygon returns the pair (``pp``, ``ee``) to which this edge is glued. """ if e is None: p, e = p try: data = self._p[p] except KeyError: raise ValueError("No known polygon with provided label") if data is None: raise ValueError("Provided label was removed.") glue = data[1] try: oe = glue[e] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Edge out of range of polygon.") if oe is None: if self._reference_surface is None: # Perhaps the user of this class left an edge unglued? return None else: ref_p = self._int_to_ref[p] ref_pp, ref_ee = self._reference_surface.opposite_edge(ref_p, e) pp = self.__get_label(ref_pp) return_value = (pp, ref_ee) glue[e] = return_value return return_value else: # Successfully return edge data return oe
# Methods for changing the surface def _change_polygon(self, label, new_polygon, gluing_list=None): r""" Internal method used by change_polygon(). Should not be called directly. """ try: data = self._p[label] except KeyError: raise ValueError("No known polygon with provided label") if data is None: raise ValueError("Provided label was removed from the surface.") data[0] = new_polygon if data[1] is None or len(new_polygon.vertices()) != len(data[1]): data[1] = [None for e in range(len(new_polygon.vertices()))] if gluing_list is not None: self.change_polygon_gluings(label, gluing_list) def _set_edge_pairing(self, label1, edge1, label2, edge2): r""" Internal method used by change_edge_gluing(). Should not be called directly. """ try: data = self._p[label1] except KeyError: raise ValueError("No known polygon with provided label1=" + str(label1)) if data is None: raise ValueError( "Provided label1=" + str(label1) + " was removed from the surface." ) data[1][edge1] = (label2, edge2) try: data = self._p[label2] except KeyError: raise ValueError("No known polygon with provided label2=" + str(label2)) if data is None: raise ValueError( "Provided label2=" + str(label2) + " was removed from the surface." ) data[1][edge2] = (label1, edge1) _change_edge_gluing = _set_edge_pairing def _add_polygon(self, new_polygon, gluing_list=None, label=None): r""" Internal method used by add_polygon(). Should not be called directly. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import polygons, Surface_list sage: p=polygons.regular_ngon(5) sage: s=Surface_list(base_ring=p.base_ring()) sage: s.add_polygon(p, label=3) 3 sage: s.add_polygon( (-matrix.identity(2))*p, label=30) 30 sage: s.change_polygon_gluings(3,[(30,e) for e in range(5)]) sage: s.change_base_label(30) sage: len(s.polygons()) 2 sage: TestSuite(s).run() sage: s.remove_polygon(3) sage: s.add_polygon(p, label=6) 6 sage: s.change_polygon_gluings(6,[(30,e) for e in range(5)]) sage: len(s.polygons()) 2 sage: TestSuite(s).run() sage: s.change_base_label(6) sage: s.remove_polygon(30) sage: label = s.add_polygon((-matrix.identity(2))*p) sage: s.change_polygon_gluings(6,[(label,e) for e in range(5)]) sage: TestSuite(s).run() """ if new_polygon is None: data = [None, None] else: data = [new_polygon, [None for i in range(len(new_polygon.vertices()))]] if label is None: if len(self._removed_labels) > 0: new_label = self._removed_labels.pop() self._p[new_label] = data else: new_label = len(self._p) self._p.append(data) if self._reference_surface is not None: # Need a blank in this list for algorithmic reasons self._int_to_ref.append(None) else: new_label = int(label) if new_label < len(self._p): if self._p[new_label] is not None: raise ValueError( "Trying to add a polygon with label=" + str(label) + " which already indexes a polygon." ) self._p[new_label] = data else: if new_label - len(self._p) > 100: raise ValueError( "Adding a polygon with label=" + str(label) + " would add more than 100 entries in our list." ) for i in range(len(self._p), new_label): self._p.append(None) self._removed_labels.append(i) if self._reference_surface is not None: # Need a blank in this list for algorithmic reasons self._int_to_ref.append(None) self._p.append(data) if self._reference_surface is not None: # Need a blank in this list for algorithmic reasons self._int_to_ref.append(None) if gluing_list is not None: self.change_polygon_gluings(new_label, gluing_list) self._num_polygons += 1 return new_label
[docs] def num_polygons(self): r""" Return the number of polygons making up the surface in constant time. """ return self._num_polygons
def _test_roots(self, **options): # Surface_list does not iterate labels in a canonical order from the # roots(). Instead, it iterates by increasing labels. pass
[docs] def label_iterator(self, polygons=False): r""" Iterator over all polygon labels. """ if polygons: yield from zip(self.labels(), self.polygons()) return if self._reference_surface is not None: yield from Surface.label_iterator(self) elif self._num_polygons == len(self._p): yield from range(self.num_polygons()) else: # We've removed some labels found = 0 i = 0 while found < self._num_polygons: if self._p[i] is not None: found += 1 yield i i += 1
def _remove_polygon(self, label): r""" Internal method used by remove_polygon(). Should not be called directly. """ if label == len(self._p) - 1: self._p.pop() if self._reference_surface is not None: ref_label = self._int_to_ref.pop() assert len(self._int_to_ref) == label if ref_label is not None: del self._ref_to_int[ref_label] else: self._p[label] = None self._removed_labels.append(label) if self._reference_surface is not None: ref_label = self._int_to_ref[label] if ref_label is not None: self._int_to_ref[label] = None del self._ref_to_int[ref_label] self._num_polygons -= 1 def __hash__(self): return super().__hash__() def __eq__(self, other): r""" Return whether this surface is indistinguishable from ``other``. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import Surface_list, polygons sage: P=polygons.regular_ngon(5) sage: S = Surface_list(base_ring=P.base_ring()) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: Surface_list has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; use MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface instead sage: T = Surface_list(base_ring=P.base_ring()) sage: S == T True sage: S.add_polygon(P, label=3) 3 sage: S == T False """ if not isinstance(other, Surface_list): return False if self._reference_surface is not None: equal = self._eq_reference_surface(other) if equal is True: return True if equal is False: return False return super().__eq__(other) def _eq_reference_surface(self, other): r""" Return whether this surface is indistinguishable from ``other`` by comparing their reference surfaces. Returns ``None``, when no conclusion could be reached. This is a helper method for :meth:`__eq__`. """ if self._reference_surface != other._reference_surface: return None for label in range(len(self._p)): if self._p[label] is None: if label >= len(other._p) or other._p[label] is not None: return None continue try: if self.polygon(label) != other.polygon(label): return False except ValueError: return False for label in range(len(other._p)): if other._p[label] is None: if label >= len(self._p) or self._p[label] is not None: return None continue try: if self.polygon(label) != other.polygon(label): return False except ValueError: return False if self.base_ring() != other.base_ring(): return False if self.is_mutable() != other.is_mutable(): return False if self.base_label() != other.base_label(): return False return True
[docs]def surface_list_from_polygons_and_gluings(polygons, gluings, mutable=False): r""" Take a list of polygons and gluings (given either as a list of pairs of edges, or as a dictionary), and produce a Surface_list from it. The mutable parameter determines the mutability of the resulting surface. """ import warnings warnings.warn( "surface_list_from_polygons_and_gluings() has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; use MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface instead and add polygons and gluings explicitly" ) if not (isinstance(polygons, list) or isinstance(polygons, tuple)): raise ValueError("polygons must be a list or tuple.") field = polygons[0].parent().field() s = Surface_list(base_ring=field, deprecation_warning=False) for p in polygons: s.add_polygon(p) try: # dict case: it = gluings.items() except AttributeError: # list case: it = gluings for (l1, e1), (l2, e2) in it: s.change_edge_gluing(l1, e1, l2, e2) if not mutable: s.set_immutable() return s
[docs]class Surface_dict(Surface): r""" A mutable :class:`Surface` using a dict to store polygons and gluings. Unlike :class:`Surface_list`, this surface is not limited to integer labels. However, :class:`Surface_list` is likely more efficient for most applications. ALGORITHM: Internally, we maintain a dict ``_p`` for storing polygons together with gluing data. Each ``_p[label]`` is typically a pair ``(polygon, gluing_dict)`` where ``gluing_dict`` is maps ``other_label`` to ``other_edge`` such that :meth:`opposite_edge(label, edge) <Surface.opposite_edge>` returns ``_p[label][1][edge]``. INPUT: - ``base_ring`` -- ring or ``None`` (default: ``None``); the ring containing the coordinates of the vertices of the polygons. If ``None``, the base ring will be the one of ``surface``. - ``surface`` -- a surface or ``None`` (default: ``None``); a surface to be copied or referenced (see ``copy``). If ``None``, the surface is initially empty. - ``copy`` -- boolean or ``None`` (default: ``None``); whether the data underlying ``surface`` is copied into this surface or just a reference to that surface is kept. If ``None``, a sensible default is chosen, namely ``surface.is_mutable()``. - ``mutable`` -- boolean or ``None`` (default: ``None``); whether this surface is mutable. When ``None``, the surface will be mutable iff ``surface`` is ``None``. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import polygons, Surface_dict sage: p=polygons.regular_ngon(10) sage: s=Surface_dict(base_ring=p.base_ring()) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: Surface_dict has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; use MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface instead sage: s.add_polygon(p,label="A") 'A' sage: s.change_polygon_gluings("A",[("A",(e+5)%10) for e in range(10)]) sage: s.change_base_label("A") sage: s.set_immutable() sage: TestSuite(s).run() TESTS: Verify that the replacement for this class implements all the features that used to be around:: sage: from flatsurf import MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface, Surface_dict sage: legacy_methods = set(dir(Surface_dict(QQ))) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: Surface_dict has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; use MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface instead sage: non_legacy_methods = set(dir(MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface(QQ))) sage: [method for method in legacy_methods if method not in non_legacy_methods and not method.startswith("_")] [] """ def __init__( self, base_ring=None, surface=None, copy=None, mutable=None, category=None, deprecation_warning=True, ): if deprecation_warning: import warnings warnings.warn( "Surface_dict has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; use MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface instead" ) self._p = {} self._reference_surface = None # Validate input parameters and fill in defaults ( base_ring, surface, copy, mutable, finite, ) = Surface_list._validate_init_parameters( base_ring=base_ring, surface=surface, copy=copy, mutable=mutable, finite=None, ) Surface.__init__( self, base_ring=base_ring, base_label=None, finite=finite, mutable=True, category=category, deprecation_warning=False, ) # Initialize surface from reference surface if surface is not None: base_label = surface.root() if copy is True: reference_label_to_label = { label: self.add_polygon(polygon, label=label) for label, polygon in zip(surface.labels(), surface.polygons()) } for ( (label, edge), (glued_label, glued_edge), ) in surface.gluings(): self.set_edge_pairing( reference_label_to_label[label], edge, reference_label_to_label[glued_label], glued_edge, ) self.change_base_label(reference_label_to_label[base_label]) else: self._reference_surface = surface self.change_base_label(base_label) if not mutable: self.set_immutable()
[docs] def is_compact(self): if self._reference_surface is not None: return self._reference_surface.is_compact() return True
[docs] def polygon(self, lab): r""" Return the polygon with label ``lab``. """ try: data = self._p[lab] except KeyError: if self._reference_surface is None: raise ValueError(f"No polygon with label {lab}.") polygon = self._reference_surface.polygon(lab) data = [ self._reference_surface.polygon(lab), [ self._reference_surface.opposite_edge(lab, e) for e in range(len(polygon.vertices())) ], ] self._p[lab] = data if data is None: raise ValueError("Label " + str(lab) + " was removed from the surface.") return data[0]
[docs] def opposite_edge(self, p, e=None): r""" Given the label ``p`` of a polygon and an edge ``e`` in that polygon returns the pair (``pp``, ``ee``) to which this edge is glued. """ if e is None: p, e = p try: data = self._p[p] except KeyError: self.polygon(p) data = self._p[p] if data is None: raise ValueError("Label " + str(p) + " was removed from the surface.") gluing_data = data[1] try: return gluing_data[e] except IndexError: raise ValueError( "Edge e=" + str(e) + " is out of range in polygon with label " + str(p) )
# Methods for changing the surface def _change_polygon(self, label, new_polygon, gluing_list=None): r""" Internal method used by change_polygon(). Should not be called directly. """ try: data = self._p[label] if data is None: raise ValueError( "Label " + str(label) + " was removed from the surface." ) data[0] = new_polygon except KeyError: # Polygon probably lies in reference surface if self._reference_surface is None: raise ValueError("No known polygon with provided label") else: # Ensure the reference surface had a polygon with the provided label: old_polygon = self._reference_surface.polygon(label) if len(old_polygon.vertices()) == len(new_polygon.vertices()): data = [ new_polygon, [ self._reference_surface.opposite_edge(label, e) for e in range(len(new_polygon.vertices())) ], ] self._p[label] = data else: data = [ new_polygon, [None for e in range(len(new_polygon.vertices()))], ] self._p[label] = data if len(data[1]) != len(new_polygon.vertices()): data[1] = [None for e in range(len(new_polygon.vertices()))] if gluing_list is not None: self.change_polygon_gluings(label, gluing_list) def _set_edge_pairing(self, label1, edge1, label2, edge2): r""" Internal method used by set_edge_pairing(). Should not be called directly. """ try: data = self._p[label1] except KeyError: if self._reference_surface is None: raise ValueError( "No known polygon with provided label1 = {}".format(label1) ) else: # Failure likely because reference_surface contains the polygon. # import the data into this surface. polygon = self._reference_surface.polygon(label1) data = [ polygon, [ self._reference_surface.opposite_edge(label1, e) for e in range(len(polygon.vertices())) ], ] self._p[label1] = data try: data[1][edge1] = (label2, edge2) except IndexError: # break down error if data is None: raise ValueError("polygon with label1={} was removed".format(label1)) data1 = data[1] try: data1[edge1] = (label2, edge2) except IndexError: raise ValueError( "edge1={} is out of range in polygon with label1={}".format( edge1, label1 ) ) try: data = self._p[label2] except KeyError: if self._reference_surface is None: raise ValueError("no polygon with label2={}".format(label2)) else: # Failure likely because reference_surface contains the polygon. # import the data into this surface. polygon = self._reference_surface.polygon(label2) data = [ polygon, [ self._reference_surface.opposite_edge(label2, e) for e in range(len(polygon.vertices())) ], ] self._p[label2] = data try: data[1][edge2] = (label1, edge1) except IndexError: # break down error if data is None: raise ValueError("polygon with label1={} was removed".format(label1)) data1 = data[1] try: data1[edge2] = (label1, edge1) except IndexError: raise ValueError( "edge {} is out of range in polygon with label2={}".format( edge2, label2 ) ) _change_edge_gluing = _set_edge_pairing def _add_polygon(self, new_polygon, gluing_list=None, label=None): r""" Internal method used by add_polygon(). Should not be called directly. """ data = [new_polygon, [None for i in range(len(new_polygon.vertices()))]] if label is None: new_label = ExtraLabel() else: try: old_data = self._p[label] if old_data is None: # already removed this polygon. That's good, we can add. new_label = label else: raise ValueError( "label={} already used by another polygon".format(label) ) except KeyError: # This seems inconvenient to enforce: # # if not self._reference_surface is None: # # Can not be sure we are not overwriting a polygon in the reference surface. # raise ValueError("Can not assign this label to a Surface_dict containing a reference surface,"+\ # "which may already contain this label.") new_label = label self._p[new_label] = data if gluing_list is not None: self.change_polygon_gluings(new_label, gluing_list) return new_label
[docs] def num_polygons(self): r""" Return the number of polygons making up the surface in constant time. """ if self.is_finite_type(): if self._reference_surface is None: return len(self._p) else: # Unfortunately, I don't see a good way to compute this. return Surface.num_polygons(self) else: from sage.rings.infinity import Infinity return Infinity
[docs] def label_iterator(self, polygons=False): r""" Iterator over all polygon labels. """ if polygons: yield from zip(self.labels(), self.polygons()) return if self._reference_surface is None: yield from self._p else: yield from Surface.label_iterator(self)
def _remove_polygon(self, label): r""" Internal method used by remove_polygon(). Should not be called directly. """ if self._reference_surface is None: try: data = self._p[label] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Label " + str(label) + " is not in the surface.") del self._p[label] else: try: data = self._p[label] # Success. if data is None: raise ValueError( "Label " + str(label) + " was already removed from the surface." ) self._p[label] = None except KeyError: # Assume on faith we are removing a polygon in the base_surface. self._p[label] = None def __hash__(self): return super().__hash__() def __eq__(self, other): r""" Return whether this surface is indistinguishable from ``other``. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import Surface_dict, polygons sage: P=polygons.regular_ngon(5) sage: S = Surface_dict(base_ring=P.base_ring()) sage: T = Surface_dict(base_ring=P.base_ring()) sage: S == T True sage: S.add_polygon(P, label=3) 3 sage: S == T False """ if not isinstance(other, Surface_dict): return False if self._reference_surface is not None: equal = self._eq_reference_surface(other) if equal is True: return True if equal is False: return False return super().__eq__(other) def _eq_reference_surface(self, other): r""" Return whether this surface is indistinguishable from ``other`` by comparing their reference surfaces. Returns ``None``, when no conclusion could be reached. This is a helper method for :meth:`__eq__`. """ if self._reference_surface != other._reference_surface: return None for label, polygon in self._p.items(): if polygon is None: if label not in other._p or other._p[label] is not None: return None continue try: if self.polygon(label) != other.polygon(label): return False except ValueError: return False for label, polygon in other._p.items(): if polygon is None: if label not in self._p or self._p[label] is not None: return None continue try: if self.polygon(label) != other.polygon(label): return False except ValueError: return False if self.base_ring() != other.base_ring(): return False if self.is_mutable() != other.is_mutable(): return False if self.base_label() != other.base_label(): return False return True
[docs]class LabelWalker: r""" Take a canonical walk around the surface and find the labels of polygons. We start at the base_label(). Then the labels are visited in order involving the combinatorial distance from the base_label(), where combinatorial distance measures the minimal number of edges which need to be crossed to reach the polygon with a givel label. Ties are broken using lexicographical order on the numbers associated to edges crossed (labels are not used in this lexicographical ordering). """
[docs] class LabelWalkerIterator: def __init__(self, label_walker): self._lw = label_walker self._i = 0 def __next__(self): if self._i < len(self._lw): label = self._lw.number_to_label(self._i) self._i = self._i + 1 return label if self._i == len(self._lw): label = self._lw.find_a_new_label() if label is None: raise StopIteration() self._i = self._i + 1 return label raise StopIteration() next = __next__ # for Python 2 def __iter__(self): return self
def __init__(self, surface, deprecation_warning=True): if deprecation_warning: import warnings warnings.warn( "LabelWalker has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; use labels() instead" ) self._s = surface self._labels = [self._s.root()] self._label_dict = {self._labels[0]: 0} # This will stores an edge to move through to get to a polygon closer to the base_polygon self._label_edge_back = {self._labels[0]: None} from collections import deque self._walk = deque() self._walk.append((self._labels[0], 0))
[docs] def label_dictionary(self): r""" Return a dictionary mapping labels to integers which gives a canonical order on labels. """ return self._label_dict
[docs] def edge_back(self, label, limit=None): r""" Return the "canonical" edge to walk through to get closer to the base_label, or None if label already is the base_label. Remark: This could be slow on infinite surfaces! """ try: return self._label_edge_back[label] except KeyError: if limit is None: if not self._s.is_finite_type(): limit = 1000 else: limit = self._s.num_polygons() for i in range(limit): new_label = self.find_a_new_label() if label == new_label: return self._label_edge_back[label] # Maybe the surface is not connected? raise KeyError( f"Unable to find label {label}. Are you sure the surface is connected?" )
def __iter__(self): return LabelWalker.LabelWalkerIterator(self)
[docs] def polygon_iterator(self): for label in self: yield self._s.polygon(label)
[docs] def label_polygon_iterator(self): for label in self: yield label, self._s.polygon(label)
[docs] def edge_iterator(self, gluings=False): if gluings: yield from self._s.gluings() return for label, polygon in self.label_polygon_iterator(): for e in range(len(polygon.vertices())): yield label, e
def __len__(self): r""" Return the number of labels found. """ return len(self._labels)
[docs] def find_a_new_label(self): r""" Finds a new label, stores it, and returns it. Returns None if we have already found all labels. """ while len(self._walk) > 0: label, e = self._walk.popleft() opposite_label, opposite_edge = self._s.opposite_edge(label, e) e = e + 1 if e < len(self._s.polygon(label).vertices()): self._walk.appendleft((label, e)) if opposite_label not in self._label_dict: n = len(self._labels) self._labels.append(opposite_label) self._label_dict[opposite_label] = n self._walk.append((opposite_label, 0)) self._label_edge_back[opposite_label] = opposite_edge return opposite_label return None
[docs] def find_new_labels(self, n): r""" Look for n new labels. Return the list of labels found. """ new_labels = [] for i in range(n): label = self.find_a_new_label() if label is None: return new_labels else: new_labels.append(label) return new_labels
[docs] def find_all_labels(self): if not self._s.is_finite_type(): raise NotImplementedError label = self.find_a_new_label() while label is not None: label = self.find_a_new_label()
[docs] def number_to_label(self, n): r""" Return the n-th label where n is less than the length. """ return self._labels[n]
[docs] def label_to_number(self, label, search=False, limit=100): r""" Return the number associated to the provided label. Returns an error if the label has not already been found by the walker unless search=True in which case we look for the label. We look by continuing to look for the label by walking over the surface visiting the next limit many polygons. """ if not search: return self._label_dict[label] else: if label in self._label_dict: return self._label_dict[label] for i in range(limit): new_label = self.find_a_new_label() if label == new_label: return self._label_dict[label] raise ValueError( "Failed to find label even after searching. limit=" + str(limit) )
[docs] def surface(self): return self._s
[docs]class ExtraLabel: r""" Used to spit out new labels. """ _next = int(0) def __init__(self, value=None): r""" Construct a new label. """ if value is None: self._label = int(ExtraLabel._next) ExtraLabel._next = ExtraLabel._next + 1 else: self._label = value def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self._label == other._label def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(23 * self._label) def __str__(self): return "E" + str(self._label) def __repr__(self): return "ExtraLabel(" + str(self._label) + ")"
[docs]class LabelsView( def __init__(self, surface): self._surface = surface def __contains__(self, x): try: self._surface.polygon(x) except ValueError: return False return True def __iter__(self): return self._surface.label_iterator() def __len__(self): return self._surface.num_polygons() def __repr__(self): if self._surface.is_finite_type(): return repr(tuple(self)) from itertools import islice return f"({', '.join(str(x) for x in islice(self, 16))}, …)"
[docs]def SurfaceClass(surface, name, category, *args, **kwargs): category = category.Oriented().Connected().WithoutBoundary() message = f"{name} has been deprecated and will be removed in a future " message += "version of sage-flatsurf; there is no distinction between " message += "an (underlying) Surface and the SimilaritySurface types anymore." if surface.is_finite_type(): message += f" Calling set_immutable() on this surface should determine the category of this surface automatically so calling {name} should not be necessary in this case." else: message += " For this surface of infinite type, you should create a subclass of OrientedSimilaritySurface and set the category in the __init__ method; see flatsurf.geometry.similarity_surface_generators.EInfinitySurface for an example" message += f" You can still explicitly refine the category of a surface with _refine_category_() but this is not recommended. We will now refine the category of this surface to make sure that it is in the {category}." if args or kwargs: message += " Note that we are ignoring any other parameters that were passed to this function." import warnings warnings.warn(message) surface._refine_category_(category) return surface
[docs]def SimilaritySurface(surface, *args, **kwargs): r""" Refine the category of ``surface``. This function is deprecated and should not be used anymore. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import Surface_list, polygons, SimilaritySurface sage: S = Surface_list(QQ) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: Surface_list has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; use MutableOrientedSimilaritySurface instead sage: S.add_polygon(polygons.square()) 0 sage: S.set_edge_pairing(0, 0, 0, 2) sage: S.set_edge_pairing(0, 1, 0, 3) sage: S = SimilaritySurface(S) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: SimilaritySurface() has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; there is no distinction between an (underlying) Surface and the SimilaritySurface types anymore. Calling set_immutable() on this surface should determine the category of this surface automatically so calling SimilaritySurface() should not be necessary in this case. You can still explicitly refine the category of a surface with _refine_category_() but this is not recommended. We will now refine the category of this surface to make sure that it is in the Category of connected without boundary oriented similarity surfaces. sage: S.category() Category of connected without boundary finite type oriented similarity surfaces sage: S.set_immutable() sage: S.category() Category of connected without boundary finite type translation surfaces """ from flatsurf.geometry.categories import SimilaritySurfaces return SurfaceClass( surface, "SimilaritySurface()", SimilaritySurfaces(), *args, **kwargs )
[docs]def HalfDilationSurface(surface, *args, **kwargs): r""" Refine the category of ``surface``. This function is deprecated and should not be used anymore. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import Surface_list, polygons, HalfDilationSurface sage: S = Surface_list(QQ) sage: S.add_polygon(polygons.square()) 0 sage: S.set_edge_pairing(0, 0, 0, 2) sage: S.set_edge_pairing(0, 1, 0, 3) sage: S = HalfDilationSurface(S) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: HalfDilationSurface() has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; there is no distinction between an (underlying) Surface and the SimilaritySurface types anymore. Calling set_immutable() on this surface should determine the category of this surface automatically so calling HalfDilationSurface() should not be necessary in this case. You can still explicitly refine the category of a surface with _refine_category_() but this is not recommended. We will now refine the category of this surface to make sure that it is in the Category of connected without boundary oriented dilation surfaces. sage: S.category() Category of connected without boundary finite type oriented dilation surfaces sage: S.set_immutable() sage: S.category() Category of connected without boundary finite type translation surfaces """ from flatsurf.geometry.categories import DilationSurfaces return SurfaceClass( surface, "HalfDilationSurface()", DilationSurfaces(), *args, **kwargs )
[docs]def DilationSurface(surface, *args, **kwargs): r""" Refine the category of ``surface``. This function is deprecated and should not be used anymore. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import Surface_list, polygons, DilationSurface sage: S = Surface_list(QQ) sage: S.add_polygon(polygons.square()) 0 sage: S.set_edge_pairing(0, 0, 0, 2) sage: S.set_edge_pairing(0, 1, 0, 3) sage: S = DilationSurface(S) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: DilationSurface() has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; there is no distinction between an (underlying) Surface and the SimilaritySurface types anymore. Calling set_immutable() on this surface should determine the category of this surface automatically so calling DilationSurface() should not be necessary in this case. You can still explicitly refine the category of a surface with _refine_category_() but this is not recommended. We will now refine the category of this surface to make sure that it is in the Category of connected without boundary oriented positive dilation surfaces. sage: S.category() Category of connected without boundary finite type oriented positive dilation surfaces sage: S.set_immutable() sage: S.category() Category of connected without boundary finite type translation surfaces """ from flatsurf.geometry.categories import DilationSurfaces return SurfaceClass( surface, "DilationSurface()", DilationSurfaces().Positive(), *args, **kwargs )
[docs]def ConeSurface(surface, *args, **kwargs): r""" Refine the category of ``surface``. This function is deprecated and should not be used anymore. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import Surface_list, polygons, ConeSurface sage: S = Surface_list(QQ) sage: S.add_polygon(polygons.square()) 0 sage: S.set_edge_pairing(0, 0, 0, 2) sage: S.set_edge_pairing(0, 1, 0, 3) sage: S = ConeSurface(S) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: ConeSurface() has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; there is no distinction between an (underlying) Surface and the SimilaritySurface types anymore. Calling set_immutable() on this surface should determine the category of this surface automatically so calling ConeSurface() should not be necessary in this case. You can still explicitly refine the category of a surface with _refine_category_() but this is not recommended. We will now refine the category of this surface to make sure that it is in the Category of connected without boundary oriented cone surfaces. sage: S.category() Category of connected without boundary finite type oriented cone surfaces sage: S.set_immutable() sage: S.category() Category of connected without boundary finite type translation surfaces """ from flatsurf.geometry.categories import ConeSurfaces return SurfaceClass(surface, "ConeSurface()", ConeSurfaces(), *args, **kwargs)
[docs]def RationalConeSurface(surface, *args, **kwargs): r""" Refine the category of ``surface``. This function is deprecated and should not be used anymore. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import Surface_list, polygons, RationalConeSurface sage: S = Surface_list(QQ) sage: S.add_polygon(polygons.square()) 0 sage: S.set_edge_pairing(0, 0, 0, 2) sage: S.set_edge_pairing(0, 1, 0, 3) sage: S = RationalConeSurface(S) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: RationalConeSurface() has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; there is no distinction between an (underlying) Surface and the SimilaritySurface types anymore. Calling set_immutable() on this surface should determine the category of this surface automatically so calling RationalConeSurface() should not be necessary in this case. You can still explicitly refine the category of a surface with _refine_category_() but this is not recommended. We will now refine the category of this surface to make sure that it is in the Category of connected without boundary oriented rational cone surfaces. sage: S.category() Category of connected without boundary finite type oriented rational cone surfaces sage: S.set_immutable() sage: S.category() Category of connected without boundary finite type translation surfaces """ from flatsurf.geometry.categories import ConeSurfaces return SurfaceClass( surface, "RationalConeSurface()", ConeSurfaces().Rational(), *args, **kwargs )
[docs]def HalfTranslationSurface(surface, *args, **kwargs): r""" Refine the category of ``surface``. This function is deprecated and should not be used anymore. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import Surface_list, polygons, HalfTranslationSurface sage: S = Surface_list(QQ) sage: S.add_polygon(polygons.square()) 0 sage: S.set_edge_pairing(0, 0, 0, 2) sage: S.set_edge_pairing(0, 1, 0, 3) sage: S = HalfTranslationSurface(S) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: HalfTranslationSurface() has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; there is no distinction between an (underlying) Surface and the SimilaritySurface types anymore. Calling set_immutable() on this surface should determine the category of this surface automatically so calling HalfTranslationSurface() should not be necessary in this case. You can still explicitly refine the category of a surface with _refine_category_() but this is not recommended. We will now refine the category of this surface to make sure that it is in the Category of connected without boundary oriented half translation surfaces. sage: S.category() Category of connected without boundary finite type oriented half translation surfaces sage: S.set_immutable() sage: S.category() Category of connected without boundary finite type translation surfaces """ from flatsurf.geometry.categories import HalfTranslationSurfaces return SurfaceClass( surface, "HalfTranslationSurface()", HalfTranslationSurfaces(), *args, **kwargs )
[docs]def TranslationSurface(surface, *args, **kwargs): r""" Refine the category of ``surface``. This function is deprecated and should not be used anymore. EXAMPLES:: sage: from flatsurf import Surface_list, polygons, TranslationSurface sage: S = Surface_list(QQ) sage: S.add_polygon(polygons.square()) 0 sage: S.set_edge_pairing(0, 0, 0, 2) sage: S.set_edge_pairing(0, 1, 0, 3) sage: S = TranslationSurface(S) doctest:warning ... UserWarning: TranslationSurface() has been deprecated and will be removed in a future version of sage-flatsurf; there is no distinction between an (underlying) Surface and the SimilaritySurface types anymore. Calling set_immutable() on this surface should determine the category of this surface automatically so calling TranslationSurface() should not be necessary in this case. You can still explicitly refine the category of a surface with _refine_category_() but this is not recommended. We will now refine the category of this surface to make sure that it is in the Category of connected without boundary translation surfaces. sage: S.category() Category of connected without boundary finite type translation surfaces sage: S.set_immutable() sage: S.category() Category of connected without boundary finite type translation surfaces """ from flatsurf.geometry.categories import TranslationSurfaces return SurfaceClass( surface, "TranslationSurface()", TranslationSurfaces(), *args, **kwargs )